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Dvořánková, B., Szabo, P., Lacina, L., Gal, P., Uhrova, J., Zima, T., Kaltner, H., André, S., Gabius, H.-J., Syková, E., Smetana, K., Jr.:

Human galectins induce conversion of dermal fibroblasts into myofibroblasts and production of extracellular matrix: potential application in tissue engineering and wound repair. Cells Tissues Organs 194(6):469-80 (2011) IF 2.302

Novotný, M.,Vasilenko, T.,Varinská, L.,Smetana, K., Jr.,Szabo, P.,Sarišský, M.,Dvořánková, B.,Mojžiš, J.,Bobrov, N.,Toporcerová, S.,Sabol, F.,Matthews, B., J., Gál, P.:

ER-α agonist induces conversion of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, while ER-β agonist increases ECM production and wound tensile strength of healing skin wounds in ovariectomised rats, Exp Dermatol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0625.2011.01284 (2011) IF 4.159

Szabo, P., Kolář, M., Dvořánková, B., Lacina, L., Štork, J., Vlček, Č., Strnad, H., Tvrdek, M., Smetana, K., Jr:

Mouse 3T3 fibroblasts under the influence of fibroblasts isolated from stroma of human basal cell carcinoma acquire properties of multipotent stem cells. Biol. Cell 103: 233-248 (2011) IF 4.898

Valach,J.,Fík, Z.,Strnad. H.,Chovanec, M.,Plzák, J.,Cada, Z.,Szabo, P.,Sáchová, J.,Hroudová, M.,Urbanová, M.,Steffl, M.,Pačes, J.,Mazánek, J.,Vlček, C.,Betka, J.,Kaltner, H., André, S.,Gabius, H.-J.,Kodet, R.,Smetana, K. Jr.,Gál, P.,Kolář, M.:

Smooth muscle actin-expressing stromal fibroblasts in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Increased expression of galectin-1 and induction of poor-prognosis factors. Int J Cancer DOI: 10.1002/ijc.27550 (2012) IF 4.926 

Dvořánková, B., Szabo, P., Lacina, L., Kodet, O., Matoušková, E., Smetana, K., Jr.:

Fibroblasts prepared from different types of malignant tumors stimulate expression of luminal marker keratin 8 in the EM-G3 breast cancer cell line. Histochem. Cell Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00418-012-0918-3 (2012) IF 4.727

Jarkovska, K., Dvorankova,B., Halada, P., Kodet, O., Szabo, P., Gadher, S.J., Motlik, J., Kovarova, H., Smetana, K. Jr.:

Revelation of fibroblast protein commonalities and differences and their possible roles in wound healing and tumourigenesis using co-culture models of cells. Biol Cell. 106(7):203-18 (2014) IF 3.872

Mifková, A., Kodet, O., Szabo, P., Kučera, J., Dvořánková, B., André, S., Koripelly, G., Gabius, H.-J., Lehn, J.-M., Smetana, K. Jr.:

Synthetic polyamine BPA-C8 inhibits TGF-β1-mediated conversion of human dermal fibroblast to myofibroblasts and establishment of galectin-1-rich extracellular matrix in vitro. Chembiochem. 15(10):1465-70 (2014) IF 3.088

Smetana, K., Jr., Szabo, P.,Gal, P., André, S., Gabius, H.-J., Kodet, O., Dvořánková, B.:

Emerging role of tissue lectins as microenvironmental effectors in tumors and wounds. Histol Histopathol. 30(3):293-309 (2015) IF 2.096

Kodet, O., Lacina, L., Krejčí, E., Dvořánková, B., Grim, M., Štork, J., Kodetová, D., Vlček, Č., Šáchová, J., Kolář, M., Strnad, H., Smetana, K.:

Melanoma cells influence the differentiation pattern of human epidermal keratinocytes. Mol Cancer. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-14-1 (2015) IF 4.257


Lacina, L., Plzak, J., Kodet, O., Szabo, P., Chovanec, M., Dvorankova, B., Smetana, K. Jr.: 

 Cancer Microenvironment: What Can We Learn from the Stem Cell Niche. Int J Mol Sci. 16(10):24094-24110 (2015) IF 2.862

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