Skin stem cell lab

Excellent science

Co-project of sixt deperatment of the Academy of Science Czech Republic and two faculties of Charles University in Prague in Vestec-BIOCEV


Development of separation and cultivation methods for the preparation of stem cells from the human epidermis

  • Methods of characterization and differentiation of the obtained cell types
  • Development of the new clinical applications
  • Study of the influence of the microenvironment on the stem cells function and their differentiation during healing and in squamous/basal cell carcinoma and melanoma

International Colaboration

Marie Curie Initial Training Network 

7th framework programme

Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn

Laboratory of Supramolecular Chemistry     

University of Strasbourg

Cells isolation from healthy and tumor tissue

Their morphological and phenotypical characterisation

IncuCyte® ZOOM System - Real-Time Quantitative Live-Cell Analysis 



Průmyslová 595

252 42 Vestec

Czech Republic

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